Join our Waitlist

We'll reach out when we're ready to launch our Network to the public

Frequently asked questions

What is ALTUM Network?

Have you ever heard the term: "Looks good on paper?". Well, after years in the Corporate world, our founders felt that building winning teams required professionals that didn't JUST look good on paper. And to try to quantify what that "Something else", we founded :

ALTUM Network, an Invite-only community with the best leaders and experts we've come across.

A Network that not only provides excellence, and trust, ALTUM Network leverages the power of the network to provide : Consulting Services, Advisory Services, Speaking Engagements, and building winning businesses with other ALTUM Network members.

I'm a member, how can I invite others?

Our invitation process is detailed in our Member-only zone.

The concept is that if someone asked you to list-out who from your professional network, you'd literally hire in a heartbeat without even a need for an interview, who would that be?

Base on that level of Trust from a member, our team will then interview the member and the candidate before making a final decision if that candidate has the right fit with ALTUM Network

How much does it cost for Members?

Nothing! Our objective is to not only be 100% free for members, it's actually to find ways to pay members for their "nuggets" of expertise. More on this as we evolve our business.

What is in it for me?

As a Member, you're going to be included in a Networking Community with other A-List professionals in Canada and eventually across the world. Your acceptance into the ALTUM Network signals that you are among other top performers, and this credibility makes interacting and networking much smoother.

How can I join ALTUM Network?

By getting invited!

Unfortunately, this is an INVITE-ONLY community. We require your candidacy to be sponsored by one of our existing members.

Where can I learn more about ALTUM Network?

You're at the right place, our website will be constantly updated to keep you informed of our progress and status.

Members will also have access to member only content and networking events.